In the heart of West London, south of Oxford Street, lies the neighbourhood of Oakridge. Established in the 1950s, Oakridge has grown to be a largely family-occupied neighbourhood. The quiet streets are lined with mature trees and friendly neighbours.
Proximity of Oakridge to Downtown London
Who Lives in Oakridge?
Oakridge is mostly comprised of single family homes, with townhomes and apartment buildings sprinkled throughout. Almost 90% of the people living in this neighbourhood are homeowners. Socio-economically, Oakridge is a middle-upper income area, with the average household income being $120,000.

Life in Oakridge
Oakridge is home to five elementary schools (Riverside, Clara Brenton, John Dearness, St. Paul, Notre Dame), two secondary schools (Oakridge, St. Thomas Aquinas), and one French Immersion school (West Oaks). The variety is an incredible benefit for families with children of all ages! The school quality and variety is one of the most attractive attributes of this wonderful communities and is why a lot of young families want to call it home.
One of the most popular attractions is Sifton Bog, which was donated to the City of London in the early 1960s. Sifton Bog has a winding boardwalk that leads to a small dock where you can view the various wildlife that call it home. You can also go off the trail and explore the woods further. It is a delightful escape to nature, without leaving the city at all.
Photo provided by Lincoln M. on Yelp
Oakridge Centre at the intersection of Hyde Park Road and Oxford Street West. This plaza includes a Real Canadian Superstore, Rexall, Gordon’s Jewellers, Pizza Pizza and more.
Other amenities include Thames Valley Golf Course, and a large shopping plaza at the intersection of Hyde Park and Oxford. A large Superstore with a Fit4Less gym upstairs, Rexall, and Remark can all be found in the Oakridge Shopping Centre. Let's not forget it is also home to London's most Westerly Starbucks, which is always bustling with locals. The arena and pool nearby make getting involved in sports a cinch!
Overall, if you’re looking for a place to raise a family in the city, that is close to many amenities, but not too far from green space, Oakridge is a neighbourhood to seriously consider. It’s no surprise that this neighbourhood has flourished since its inception 70 years ago.